There are 10 capabilities in personal development- your planning will accelerate with this 3 hour workshop. Learn about these 10 traits, and be the person you want to be, and have the life you want.
Learn what is needed in pursuit of being
what you need, to do what you must, to have what you want.
Learn what a breakthrough trait is
to get the most benefit out of your self development efforts.
why do I need to know my 10 capabilities in personal development?
Over the years, we gain wisdom, but often cannot translate that into an outcome. We keep that knowledge, wisdom and skill trapped inside us. Luckily, this personality test and workshop identifies the 10 trait that can unlock the most efficient pathway to take. Thus allowing you to be the person you always wanted to be.
Traits are also something we develop to deal with the environment- they can thus be changed.
How will 10 capabilities accelerate my development?
The outcome will be a shift in your perception of yourself . After that your behaviour will adapt incrementally, almost as if by magic. You will do what is possible, easily. Before you know it, you are doing what you thought was impossible.
This clarity is not something you can gain on your own. Possibly you are unaware of these 10 capabilities in personal development. Possibly you do not realise how key it is. Either way, the gained clarity will be a factor in how you go on to achieve happiness and success. Traits are something we can learn and unlearn.
how will the workshop retain confidentiality?
This is a group workshop but there are no personal assessments. You will be given guidance and support as you gain insight. Insight not only into what could actually be holding you back , but also a realisation that you can change that.
Who will lead the workshop?
The workshop is run by Pam Miller. With over 20 years of work in training and developing others. Her education includes an MBA in which she learnt to love organisational development and Human resources development. Added to that are her vocational education qualifications, augmented by research on learning and development . Her own journey continues as she seeks and tests, new ways to develop and grow. Pam now offers a range of services, based on her career in various industries. She calls it the Creatively Functional Lifestyle. This includes environmentally sound practices and organic health and beauty products which has lead her to appreciate the non-linear, more organic approach to life.
Her TEDx talk discussed the topic of skills in creating a career rather than a series of jobs, recognising skills that are found in careers. These so called soft skills and transferable skills are what have allowed Pam to transition while emigrating a few times, losing everything in the financial crash and now pivoting to harness her experience and skills here, leading others to use their wise years to become the person they always dreamt of.
Join her here are she guides you in understanding your learnt traits to replace the most ineffective ones with better choices.
A small investment in time and money, with a prolonged effect on yourself!
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